Saturday, November 10, 2018

Feng Shui clutch / Poseta Feng Shui

No, I haven't been to India and I don't think I'll reach this fantastic land of might and magic too soon. I've always been fascinated by this country of mysteries, of dance and spices. As my dream of travelling to India seems so far away, I was thinking of small tricks to keep this destination alive in my heart and my mind. And what could have been better at hand than this pouch to wear daily and in which to keep all my stuff I would need in a normal day at work or in my free time. It's a short Hindu scented story about the wise elephants printed with love on a piece of fabric in discreet but cheerful colors. And the dear elephants are up with the trunks which is exactly what you need on a pouch to bring wealth and happiness, according to Feng  Shui tradition. There goes inside both the perfume pocket and the cell phone or even the lipstick and the eye shadows case. Just to be ready for a travel to India.

Nu, nu am fost in India si nici in viitorul apropiat nu voi ajunge pe acest taramde poveste, atat de fantastic si controversat. M-a fascinat dintotdeauna aceasta tara a misterelor, a dansului si a condimentelor. Dar visul meu de a vizita India este destul de irealizabil acum si m-am gandit la mici artificii care sa mi-l pastreze viu in inima mea si in gand. Si ce putea fi mai la indemana decat o gentuta pe care sa o port cu mine zilnic si in care sa-mi tin la un loc toate lucrurile de care as avea nevoie intr-o banala zi, fie ea la munca sau in timpul liber. E o povestioara cu parfum indian despre inteleptii  elefanti tiparita cu drag pe o bucata de panza, in nuante vesele dar discrete. Si unde mai pui ca elefantii au trompa ridicata, exact ce trebuie pe un portofel, pentru a aduce prosperitate si belsug, conform traditiei Feng Shui. Dar incape atat parfumul de buzunar, cat si pudriera sau telefonul. E chiar original si practic.

Feng Shui clutch
Feng Shui clutch / Poseta Feng Shui
Feng Shui clutch
Feng Shui clutch / Poseta Feng Shui
Feng Shui clutch
Feng Shui clutch / Poseta Feng Shui

Monday, October 1, 2018

"Amazonian love" clutch / Poseta "Amazonian love"

Everything is upside down around me. I am about to leave within three days and I haven't put anything together yet, not even a single piece in the suitcase which stays bored and wide open in the middle of the room, waiting to accomplish its mission.
What should I start with? Those towels? Wait! Isn't it better to start with shoes and sandals? Or may be with the clothes? What to do with those bottles of shampoo, hand cream, face cream and all those so-called important nothings? Ah! Do not forget about the pills for migraines and other last minute indispositions. I am out of patience and I am going to throw them all together but I know it's me who will be mad in the end. It's happening all the time. Without some order in the luggage, the mess would turn into a horror time eater and my holiday would be a nightmare.
The passport? Where did I put the vaccination notice? I think the check-in paper should be on my desk. That's it! I am going to make some plans, to put everything in order!
And suddenly my eyes fell on a small vanity bag which stays quietly on the sofa. It seems it asks the suitcase to take him with her. It is so nice and chic that I cannot stop myself make them fellow travellers. And this vanity bag fits perfectly! With my destination, of course! It seems a glint of the fantastic Amazonian forest. And for a while, some vivid images from those adventure movies are coming to my mind, with explorers wandering through the mazy vegetation of the jungle.
Come on, it seems I am going crazy! However, this exotic paradise-like bag would help me a lot to keep safe my travel small goods. 
I am so happy! I've just made the first step in organizing my suitcase which seems much more animated since this sweet and practical vanity bag will be a great travel partner in which I'll keep my lipstick, my pills for headaches and my mobile phone.

In jur totul e haos. In trei zile e plecarea si nu am reusit sa pun in ordine nimic si nici sa-mi asez lucrurile in valiza care sta cascata in mijlocul camerei, asteptand plictisita sa-si indeplineasca misiunea.
Cu ce sa incep? Cu prosoapele? Stai! Nu mai bine pun pantofii si sandalele? Sau poate hainele? Dar cum fac cu sapunul, cremele si toate nimicurile alea  asa-zis folositoare? Ah! Pastilele pentru migrena si alte indispozitii de moment! Nu mai am rabdare si imi vine sa le arunc de-a valma dar stiu ca tot eu ma voi enerva. Ca asa patesc mereu. Fara disciplina in valize, nici vacanta nu mai e la fel.
Pasaportul? Pe unde o fi si avizul ala cu vaccinarile? Parca trebuia si foaia cu check-in-ul sa fie pe birou. Gata! Ma apuc sa le randuiesc acum!
Si ochii imi cad deodata pe un portfard micut care sta cuminte aruncat pe un colt de canapea. Parca s-ar ruga de valiza sa-l ia si pe el.  E asa dragut si chic ca nu ma lasa inima sa nu-l fac coleg cu doamna valiza. Si se potriveste de minune! Cu destinatia, bineinteles! Parca-ar fi un decupaj din fantastica padure amazoniana. Mi se perinda prin fata ochilor tot felul de imagini din filmele cu aventurieri, in care curajosi exploratori bat la pas jungla incalcita de felurite vegetatii.
Ei hai, ca am luat-o razna! Dar totusi portfardul asta cu iz de paradis exotic m-ar ajuta enorm sa-mi tin maruntisurile din calatorie. 
Ah, ce fericita sunt! Am facut primul pas in organizarea valizei care pare si ea mai vioaie de cand va avea partener un portfard practic si dragut in care imi voi tine rujul, bricheta, blisterul cu pastile pentru durerile de cap si uite ca a incaput si telefonul.

"Amazonian love" clutch / Poseta "Amazonian love"
"Amazonian love" clutch / Poseta "Amazonian love"
"Amazonian love" clutch / Poseta "Amazonian love"
"Amazonian love" clutch / Poseta "Amazonian love"
"Amazonian love" clutch / Poseta "Amazonian love"
"Amazonian love" clutch / Poseta "Amazonian love"

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

"Martin and the planes" shirt and hat / Camasa si palarie "Martin si avioanele"

Martin looks at the sky of a deep blue where clouds are playing the fool, here and there running one after another. The gallop of the clouds is weaving with his thoughts. He is the pilot in the cockpit easing the back on the stick and in everybody's admiration and acclamations let himself go in a roundabout of aerial acrobatics.
There is an endless spread of cotton candy above de clouds so perfect to roll over again and again. There is the land of that Giant who was running after Jack across the clouds down the beanstalk. Too bad Jack didn't have a plane or at least a hang-glider…it would have been easier for him.
It's nice and soft here among the clouds, if only he could catch some to fill his pillowcase and his mattress! He would fall asleep much easier and mom wouldn't complain that Martin is at odds with being asleep. And he would catch some clouds to put them in the corner of the garden where it’s always sunny in the afternoon and Mauzy would prefer to sit in the shade. All she can do is to lay down, her tongue out, splashing the water from her bowl.
These clouds are so great! And there is so much excitement to scud above them with a plane, a sunhat and an awesome shirt! 

Martin priveste cerul de un albastru intens unde norii isi cam fac de cap, alergand care-ncotro. Gandurile se impletesc cu galopul norilor. E in carlinga, pilotand la mansa si facand acrobatii spre uimirea si admiratia tuturor. Deasupra norilor e o intindere nesfarsita de vata de zahar numai buna de rostogolit prin ea, este tinutul Uriasului din „Jack si vrejul de fasole”... Pacat ca Jack nu a avut un avion sau macar un deltaplan…i-ar fi fost mai usor sa scape. 
E placut si moale aici printre nori, daca ar putea sa prinda cativa sa umple perna si salteaua. Ar adormi mai usor si mama nu s-ar mai vaita ca Martin, iar e certat cu somnul. Si ar prinde vreo cativa nori sa-I puna in coltul gradinii unde tot timpul e soare dupa amiaza si Mauzi ar vrea umbra. Asa ca sta cu limba scoasa si lipaie cu lacomie apa din castron. 
Norii astia sunt grozavi! Si tare-i minunat sa plutesti printre ei cu un avion, o palarie de soare si o camasuta pe masura!

"Martin and the planes" shirt and hat
"Martin and the planes" shirt and hat / Camasa si palarie "Martin si avioanele"
"Martin and the planes" shirt and hat
"Martin and the planes" shirt and hat / Camasa si palarie "Martin si avioanele"
"Martin and the planes" shirt and hat / Camasa si palarie "Martin si avioanele"
"Martin and the planes" shirt and hat 

Friday, July 6, 2018

Mr. Sleep and its pirate friends pyjama pants / Pantaloni de pijama Domnul Somn si piratii prieteni

Mr.Sleep is upset!
He sent everybody a message that he needs a long lasting  vacation. I asked him why and he told me he had enough!  He finds impossible to get along anymore with those little boys from Captain Moms ' team.
Everytime Mr. Sleep wants to visit those little pirates in the evening, Mr. Cry-a-lot is present  there and starts arguing. Now Mr. Sleep got really bothered. Because him an Mr. Cry-a-lot were never friends. Everytime the two guys were having a fight, Mr. Sleep was the one who won the battle against his cranky enemy. 
Mr. Sleep is tired and upset. What are we going to do now? How do we help Mr. Sleep not going on holiday?
All the Moms, those brave captains of wooden ships with coloured pillows and fluffy blankets, tried in vain to capture him in the silky nest of their little pirates 'eyelashes. Mr.Sleep rushes and asks for holiday, sitting on the lamp, dancing from the chandelier or hiding in one corner of the bookcase.
But one evening, those smart prankish little boys thought to offer a gift to Mr. Sleep, to make friends again. They talked to Captain Moms and with an eye blink, they cut and sew the coziest and softest cotton pajamas pants.
Mr. Sleep is now happy and he made an agreement with Captain Moms that the little pirates rest all night!

Domnul Somn este suparat! 
A trimis sfoara-n tara ca vrea o vacanta lunga. Ca ii este peste poate sa se mai inteleaga cu acei baietei, piratii din echipa mamelor capitan. Acei pirati mititei si mereu pusi pe plans atunci cand marele Somn ar vrea sa-i viziteze. Sa ne lamurim, micii pirati se inteleg de minune cu Domnul Plans, care mereu face scandal. Si ce sa vezi! Acum s-au suparat, iar! Pentru ca Domnul Somn si morocanosul Plans nu au fost niciodata prieteni. De fiecare data cand cei doi se dueleaza, Somnul il invinge mai mereu pe acest artagos Plans.
Dar ce ne facem? Cum convingem Somnul sa nu mai plece in vacanta?
In zadar mamele, capitani de corabii cu perne colorate si paturici pufoase, au incercat sa-l prinda in plasa de matase a genelor. Somnul a tasnit iute si a cerut concediu de odihna, stand cocotat ba pe lampa de veghe, ba pe lustra ori ascuns printr-un colt de biblioteca.
Dar, intr-o seara, baieteii poznasi si isteti s-au gandit sa-i faca un cadou Domnului Somn, ca sa-l imbuneze. Au facut adunarea micilor pirati cu mamele capitan si cat ai clipi au croit si cusut cei mai comozi si moi pantalonasi din cel mai catifelat bumbac.
Acum marele Somn va fi multumit si odihnit toata noaptea!
Mr. Sleep and its pirate friends pyjama pants
Mr. Sleep and its pirate friends pyjama pants

Friday, June 29, 2018

"Playgame with cheerful dots" vanity bag / Portfard "Jocul bulinelor marine"

You softly sigh while looking at the bathroom shelf.
You would like to have a magic wand to make them disappear. Yes, all eyelids pencils or eyebrows pencils, the eyeliner, the mascara or the lipstick, the eye shadows and all those brushes spread everywhere.  And you think  time is ticking away and you need  to gather all these and carry them away with you in the weekend trip, at the company workshop.
But you know you cannot bring all of these with you so a bare necessity would fit perfectly into a textile vanity bag like this one.
Your look fall upon this white small sized pouch with nice shades of green and blue squeezed together in playful polka dots. You see that discreet detail of your name painted in golden tone and you are as happy as a child with its own toy.
This fabric vanity kit is all yours, you can carry it with you anytime and everywhere you need a perfect make up for daytime or evening meetings.

Privesti etajera din baie si oftezi usor. 
Ai vrea o bagheta dintr-aia magica sa le faca sa dispara. Da, toate creioanele Khol sau pentru sprancene, tusul de pleoape, rujuri, farduri si pensulele imprastiate.  Si timpul asta scurt in care trebuie sa le aduni si sa le cari dupa tine in deplasarea de weekend, la workshopul din cadrul firmei.
Stii ca nu poti sa le iei pe toate asa ca un strict necesar ar incapea intr-un portfard textil, usor de strecurat in geanta.
Si privirea-ti cade pe aceasta poseta mica, alba cu nuante verzi albastre adunate in buline jucause. Iar acel detaliu discret al numelui tau pictat intr-o nuanta aurie te incanta , ca pe un copil o jucarie creata doar pentru el. Este al tau si il poti purta oriunde si oricand ai nevoie de un machiaj perfect de seara sau de zi.
"Playgame with cheerful dots" vanity bag
"Playgame with cheerful dots" vanity bag / Portfard "Jocul  bulinelor marine"

"Playgame with cheerful dots" vanity bag
"Playgame with cheerful dots" vanity bag / Portfard "Jocul  bulinelor marine"

"Playgame with cheerful dots" vanity bag
"Playgame with cheerful dots" vanity bag / Portfard "Jocul  bulinelor marine"

Monday, June 18, 2018

The blanket of the first moments / Paturica primelor clipe

Privesc cu un pic de emotie si nerabdare cutia care tocmai a sosit din Anglia. Un nou proiect se intrezareste si asta imi da elan sa-l concep cat mai frumos si practic. Dar mai ales, trebuie sa fie perfect pentru S., pentru ca ceea ce urmeaza sa imbin in culori si forme va deveni o minunata si duioasa amintire a primelor clipe. Acele clipe de viata, de neuitat, cand devii mama! Si parca ai vrea ca timpul sa se opreasca si sa tii mereu la piept puiul mic cu gangureli, plansete, miros de lapte, cu zambete fara dintisori, cu bucurii si puritate.
Asa ca m-am pus pe treaba si am sortat hainutele S-ei din primele ei luni, le-am decupat cat mai simetric, pastrand intacte modelele imprimate pe body-uri, camasute, tricouri, pantalonasi si rochite. Am adunat un numar considerabil de petice, suficient insa pentru ceea ce avea sa devina ”Paturica primelor clipe”. 
Fiecare bucatica decupata  este o amprenta a timpului petrecut cu S: body-ul preferat pentru iesirea in parc, rochita pe care a purtat-o in vizita la bunici, tricoul care l-a dat gata pe tata, bluzita cu care a mancat primele fructe. Toate decupajele tin stranse laolalta amintiri dragi cu S din primele ei luni cu membrii familiei in care a sosit.
Taieturile din pretioasele hainute le-am cusut unele de altele alcatuind cadrul principal de lucru si totodata partea cea mai importanta a proiectului. De acest cadru am prins un decupaj in aceeasi marime dintr-o insertie potrivit de groasa din vatelina. Am masurat si croit un cadru secundar din bumbac moale care a reprezentat dosul acestei paturici. Cele trei straturi de material au fost cusute impreuna si cosmetizate pe margina deun bie in nuanta dominanta. In final, pentru o mai bna fixare a celor trei materiale, am cusut din loc in loc puncte in X.
Paturica a fost gata de impachetat si de trimis in casuta ei, la micuta S si familia ei minunata. Si, probabil, peste ani, cand  S va fi mare, sanatoasa si frumoasa, parintii ii vor inmana aceasa „capsula textila” a timpului care sa-i cuibareasca in inima emotii si iubire.

I am seized with emotion looking at the package which has just arrived from England. In fact, I can hardly wait to open this box: a new project is about to be realized in my  small studio. This gives me enough energy to think about its creation in the most beautiful and practical way. But most of it, this has to be perfect for S, so I have to combine the colours and shapes to accomplish this item which will become a wonderful and sweet souvenir of the first moments. Those first unforgettable moments of life when you become a mother. And you would like time to be stopped and hold your baby close to you with all those babbles, cryings, smell of milk, with those teethless smiles which makes your heart melt, with joy and purity.
So, I got down to work and started sorting S’first months baby clothes, I cut them as symmetric as I could to keep the entire design printed on bodies, shirts, tops, pents and dresses. I got a fair number of patches, enough for what it was to become the ”Blanket of the first moments”.
Every piece cut from those clothes represents a time stamp of the moments spent with S: the favourite bodysuit for a walk in the park, the dress worn when visiting the grandparents, the top that melted her daddy ’s heart, the onesies in which she served her pureed fruits. Every scrap keep together sweet memories of S in her very first months with her family members who welcomed her with endless love.
I sewed  the cuttings of the precious little clothes, one by one, creating the main and the most important frame of the project. I cut the batting insertion to fit the main structure and I did the same with a piece of soft cotton fabric to create a second framework and a backside of the blanket. I stitched the three parts together, sewed them and I applied a border to emphasize the patches and create a nice contrast. For a strong holding I fastened some X stiches on the front side.
The blanket was ready to be packed and sent to its house, to little S and her wonderful family.
And may be, through the years, when S will be a beautiful and healthy young lady, her parents will hand in this ”textile time capsule” to huddle love and emotion in her heart.
"The blanket of the first moments / Paturica primelor clipe"
The blanket of the first moments / Paturica primelor clipe
"The blanket of the first moments / Paturica primelor clipe"
"The blanket of the first moments / Paturica primelor clipe"
"The blanket of the first moments / Paturica primelor clipe"
"The blanket of the first moments / Paturica primelor clipe"
"The blanket of the first moments / Paturica primelor clipe"
"The blanket of the first moments / Paturica primelor clipe"
"The blanket of the first moments / Paturica primelor clipe"

"The blanket of the first moments / Paturica primelor clipe"
"The blanket of the first moments / Paturica primelor clipe"

Thursday, May 3, 2018

Go play with me! shorts and headband / Pantaloni si bentita "Hai sa te joci cu mine"

If you like soft and comfortable fabrics, this pair of handmade cotton shorts can be on your list. What can be more practical and fashionable than these French Terry Bermudas?
And for a very accurate look, you can match these nice shorts with a sweet headband of the same soft lightly flexible cotton.
For toddlers, these pants are perfect for covering the diapers.
The print goes well with a red top, a grey or white or even yellow t-shirt, with nice shoes or fancy sneakers. Everything for a nice play in the park or at a party!

Daca iti plac materialele moi si comfortabile, aceasta pereche de pantaloni scurti sunt pe lista. Ce poate fi mai comfortabil si la moda decat acesti pantalonasi  bufanti din French terry?
Si daca vrei o tinuta  neaparat perfecta, poti asorta acest șort cu o bentita de par super dragalasa din acelasi material moale si usor flexibil.
Print-ul se potriveste perfect cu un top rosu sau cu un tricou sau bluzita de culoare gri, galben sau ivory, iar tinuta poate fi completa cu o pereche de pantofiori sau niste tenisi fantezie. Totul pentru o distractie in parc sau la o petrecere!
Go play with me! shorts and headband
Go play with me! shorts and headband
Go play with me! shorts and headband
Go play with me! shorts and headband

Monday, April 30, 2018

The magic Unicorns toddler skirt / Fustita Magia Unicornilor

I've always been in love with unicorns and only when i grew up i understood that behind a fairytale character hides more than mistery and beauty.
Children are very fond of unicorns because they feature  mistery, grace and gentleness. What is more fun to have a horse with wonderful powers to make you daydream and imagine stories full of adventures?
In one way children and grown ups alike sense their believe that these magical horses with one horn  are, above everything, cute, innocent creatures that always brings a ray of sunshine and the mood for play. But as we become adults, we forget about magic and fancy dreams, unicorns become sad and they vanish. Kids, with their open imagination, bring these magical creatures back and they create a world of charm, creativity and fun.
If your girl is a fan, this unicorn skirt is a perfect gift that can make her very happy and your best friend forever.
The remarkable but delicate print is improved by the sweet pink tint, a magenta ricrac at the bottom and a cherry pink polka dot around waist. It goes perfectly for all kind of occasions, it can be matched with sneakers, sandals or shoes and  a nice t-shirt or a sweet chemise.
I cannot wait to see the joy of the little girl getting this unicorn skirt.

Intotdeauna am adorat unicornii si numai dupa ce am crescut  si am devenit adult, mi-am dat seama ca in spatele unui personaj de poveste exista mai mult decat frumusete si magie.
Copiii sunt iubitori de unicorni pentru ca acestia intruchipeaza misterul, delicatetea si bunatatea. Ce este mai distractiv decat sa ai un cal cu puteri miraculoase care sa te faca sa visezi si sa iti imaginezi povesti pline de aventuri.
Intr-un fel, copiii si adultii sunt de comun acord ca acesti cai magici cu un singur corn sunt, mai presus de toate, creaturi inocente si dragute care ne aduc intodeauna o raza de bucurie si cheful de joaca. Dar, pe masura ce devenim adulti,  uitam de magie si de visele fanteziste, unicornii devin tristi si dispar. Copiii, insa, cu imaginatia lor bogata, aduc inapoi aceste creaturi magice si creeaza  impreuna o lume plina de farmec, creativitate si distractie.
Daca ai o fetita care este fan, aceasta fusta cu unicorni este un cadou perfect care ar face-o  fericita si prietena ta pe viata.
Acest imprimeu deosebit dar delicat este scos in evidenta de nuanta de roz pal, banda zig zag magenta de la poale si  banda roz cireasa, cu buline, din talie. Se potriveste perfect la toate ocaziile, merge atat cu sneakers, cat si cu sandale sau balerini, asortata cu un tricou dragut sau o camasa fina.
Abia astept sa vad bucuria fetitei care va primi aceasta fustita cu unicorni!
The magic Unicorns toddler skirt
The magic Unicorns toddler skirt 

Thursday, April 26, 2018

"Go fishing by the seaside" toddler suit / Set haine de vara copil "Go fishing by the seaside"

What can it be more adequate for go fishing by the seaside than to be dressed  with a fish printed suit? I designed this outfit for a sweet baby boy of almost 2 years old whose daddy wants to teach him how to catch a fish from an early age.
This suit has a strong touch of green which matches perfectly with the playful  fish background. It is made of cotton fabric that is why it is perfect for those heavy sunny weather. 
The set contains a summer hat, a shirt that can be easily dressed because it has press buttons that the baby can easily open or close and a pair of shorts with flat front for a simple but sophisticated look.
If you think to offer this summer baby suit as a gift, I came with the idea of a customized sack with the name of the baby.
Do not forget the keychain that I occasionally offered with the sack, that can be also a nice fabric toy, while daddy is catching fish by the seaside.

Ce poate fi mai potrivit pentru a merge la pescuit pe malul marii, decat sa fii imbracat cu un costum imprimat cu pestisori? Am creat acest costum pentru un baietel scump in varsta de aproape 2 ani pe care tatal sau vrea sa-l invete sa prinda peste de la o varsta foarte frageda.
Costumul are o nota puternica de verde care se potriveste perfect cu fundalul jucaus imprimat cu pesti. Este facut din tesatura fina de bumbac si de aceea este indicat sa fie purtat chiar si in acele zile extrem de calduroase.
Setul contine o palariuta de vara, o camasa care poate fi usor imbracata deoarece contine capse de culoare albastru inchis si o pereche de pantaloni scurti cu elastic doar in partea din spate pentru un look simplu si sofisticat in acelasi timp.
Daca te gandesti sa oferi acest set  cadou, am venit cu ideea de a il oferi intr-un saculet din acelasi material imprimat si inscriptionat cu numele copilului.
Sa nu uitam de brelocul textil pe care il ofer la cerere  cu acest saculet, care poate fi o jucarie textila sigura si draguta pentru copil, in timp ce tatal sta la pescuit pe malul marii.
"Go fishing by the seaside" toddler suit
"Go fishing by the seaside" toddler suit

"Go fishing by the seaside" toddler suit
"Go fishing by the seaside" toddler suit
"Go fishing by the seaside" toddler suit
"Go fishing by the seaside" toddler suit

Monday, April 23, 2018

"The wander cats party" tote bag / Sacosa textila "Petrecerea pisiceasca"

This fabric bag is especially created for those in love with cats and they have no hesitation to show it. It is like you would wear a whole cartoon on your shoulder and you'd never get bored. If you like strong and funny accessories, if you adore the play time and the fun of an unconventional outfit, then this kitty print bag is a perfect match for a casual day time look. To mark out the notes of cheerfulness I enriched the kitty pattern with a polka dot bottom and check pattern ribbon up the hand grips. Watch out these joy rider cats may jump out your bag and make you have the time of your life!
Dimensions: 43cm x 47cm
Aceasta sacosa textila este creata special pentru iubitorii de pisici si nu ezita sa o arate in nici o circumstanta. Este ca si cum ai purta un film intreg de desen animat pe umeri si nu te-ai plictisi niciodata. Daca iti plac accesoriile puternice si vesele, daca iti place sa te joci si adori umorul unui outfit neconventional, atunci,  aceasta sacosa textila , avand un imprimeu cu pisici, este potrivirrea  perfecta pentru o tinuta casual de zi. Pentru a pune in evidenta nota de veselie  a acestei sacose, am imbogatit acest pattern pisicesc cu o baza printata cu buline si o banda cadrilata langa baiere.
Fiti atenti la aceste pisici petrecarete care ar putea țașni din cadru si te-ar putea indemna la cea mai tare petrecere pisiceasca din viata ta!
"The wander cats party" tote bag
"The wander cats party" tote bag / Sacosa textila "Petrecerea pisiceasca"

"The wander cats party" tote bag
"The wander cats party" tote bag / Sacosa textila "Petrecerea pisiceasca"

"The wander cats party" tote bag
"The wander cats party" tote bag / Sacosa textila "Petrecerea pisiceasca"

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

The flourished tree of spring tote / Sacosa copacelul inflorit al primaverii

I am a strong advocate of using the textile bags for two reasons: the first one is that they bear much more weight than a plastic bag and it lasts a considerable period of time and  second because if you get to wear a textile bag you may be one of those persons that think of saving the environment. 
The reports show us that 95% of plastic bags which are offered by all markets with so much generosity, suffocate literally  the entire Planet!
A fabric bag is practical, protects your pockets from spending extra dimes all the time, you can match it  to your outfits and  the risk of spreading your items on the floor is at a minimum expectation.
That is why I started creating a new series of tote bags, shopping handbags, handmade book bags and school sacks. Each of these handmade fabric bags has a theme inspired by different prints, feelings and applications. 
The  flourished tree of spring is especially chosen for a nice picnic in the park  or a walk on the streets of the city when you might need to carry some last minute shopping.
It has strong shades of sky blue and a bit of green. The pattern in the middle is framed  by a pinkish ribbon with four buttons printed with flowers . And  you can carry it on the shoulder too.
Smells like spring already!

Sunt o sustinatoare entuziasta  a folosirii sacoselor textile din doua  motive:  primul este acela ca sacosele din panza  sustin o greutate mai mare si rezista mai mult in timp si, in al doilea rand, daca porti genul acesta de traista, s-ar putea sa fii una dintre persoanele responsabile si careia ii pasa de mediul inconjurator si protejarea acestuia.
Rapoartele ne tot arata ca in jur de 95% din sacosele de plastic care ne sunt oferite cu atata darnicie de catre magazine, asfixiaza  la propriu  Planeta!
O sacosa textila este foarte practica, ne protejeaza portofelul de cheltuieli marunte dar seminifcative in timp, o poti asorta cu tinuta pe care o porti iar riscul de a-ti cadea si a-ti  imprastia lucrurile pe jos este minim. Din acest motiv am ales sa creez  o serie de traiste tote, sacose pentru cumparaturi si pentru carti ,saci pentru scoala si pentru orice alte intrebuintari. Fiecare dintre aceste  sacose textile handmade are o tematica diferita data de imprimeurile alese, trairi si intrebuintari.
Copacelul inflorit al primaverii este special ales pentru un picnic in parc sau o plimbare prin oras cand probabil  ai avea nevoie sa transporti niste cumparaturi de ultim moment.
Are nuante puternice de albastru ciel si un pic de verde. Imaginea din mijlocul sacosei este incadrata de o banda roz aprins si patru nasturei imprimati cu flori. Se poate purta si pe umar.
The flourished tree of spring tote
The flourished tree of spring tote / Sacosa copacelul inflorit al primaverii

Wednesday, March 28, 2018

"Safari trip" pillows / Fete de perna "Safari trip"

Un print exotic, jucaus si plin de imaginatie si culoare m-a impulsionat sa fac aceste perne, perfecte pentru camera unui copil creativ si pasionat de animale din Africa. Se pot cuibari pe un fotoliu sau pot fi un decor minunat pentru un TEEPEE, pat sau canapea, folosite pentru citit, povestit sau chiar pentru petreceri in pijamale cu tematica aventuri in Safari. Vor fi un accesoriu nelipsit din orice colt alaturi de un Indiana Jones veritabil.
An exotic, frolicsome, colorful and full of imagination print nudged me to create these perfect pillows for the room of a kid with full of creativity  and animals of Africa passionate. They could be huddled on an armchair or they could be a wonderful decoration  for a Tee-Pee, bed or sofa, they also can be used for reading corner,  storytelling time or even for a pyjamas party  with Safary theme on the board. These safary print pillows will be a must have accessory together with a real Indiana Jones  fan.
"Safari trip" pillows / Fete de perna  "Safari trip"
"Safari trip" pillows / Fete de perna  "Safari trip"

Saturday, March 3, 2018

"Bluemotion" tote bag / Sacosa "Blue motion"

When I first saw the colors and the texture of these fabrics, I knew I would sew a shabby chic tote bag. It's delicate but resistant and you may take it with you to shopping, beach, stroll in the park or picnic. The intensity of the blue color together with the floral cut  create a romantic and sensitive accessory for a casual look.
Nu am avut nevoie de prea multe idei cand mi-au picat in mana aceste materiale. Am stiut ca va iesi o sacosa shabby chic care poate fi purtata oriunde: la cumparaturi, plaja, plimbare in parc sau picnic. Albastrul intens cu decoupajul floral se imbina perfect pentru a crea un accesoriu romantic si sensibil la o tinuta casual. 
"Bluemotion" tote bag / Sacosa "Blue motion"
"Bluemotion" tote bag / Sacosa "Blue motion"

Tuesday, February 27, 2018

"Books are best friends" tote bag / Sacosa "Cartile sunt cele mai bune prietene"

If there is to choose one of my favourite creations, this book bag which I sewed couple of days ago is one of my dearest. A perfect gift for a trendy, bookaholic lady would be this textile bag made of a sweet, warm colour of pink canavas with purple holders. The chosen shades go with that cosy atmosphere desired by the act of reading. The pattern in the middle is framed with cotton ribbon and rainbow pompons. The immaginary , the playfulness, the flexibility, the ingenuity,  the whole universe  could be brought to your knees by books and the girl in the middle is there to claim it.
Daca ar fi sa aleg dintre creatiile mele preferate, aceasta sacosa cusuta special pentru carti  este printre cele mai dragi. Un cadou perfect pentru o domnisoara cocheta si iubitoare de carti ar putea fi aceasta sacosa textila cusuta dintr-un canavas de culoare roz cu manere mov. Aceste nuante le-am ales, gandindu-ma la atmosfera comfortabila pe care o creeaza sau o cere actul cititului. Sablonul din mijloc este incadrat de o banda de bumbac si patru pompoane in culorile curcubeului. Imaginatia, joaca,flexibilitatea, inteligenta, intregul univers poate fi adus la picioarele tale de catre carti si personajul din mijlocul sacosei textile este acolo sa sustina cititul in orice moment si aproape oriunde. 
"Books are best friends" tote bag / Sacosa "Cartile sunt cele mai bune prietene"
"Books are best friends" tote bag / Sacosa "Cartile sunt cele mai bune prietene"

"Books are best friends" tote bag / Sacosa "Cartile sunt cele mai bune prietene"
"Books are best friends" tote bag / Sacosa "Cartile sunt cele mai bune prietene"

"Books are best friends" tote bag / Sacosa "Cartile sunt cele mai bune prietene"
"Books are best friends" tote bag / Sacosa "Cartile sunt cele mai bune prietene"

Monday, February 26, 2018

My favourite Zoo book / Carticica Gradina Zoologica

It was a real pleasure and I could hardly wait to conceive this recycled jeans quiet book. Thinking of something useful and customized to be offered as a unique and customized gift, I entered the competition for the Creativa Jeans Awards Bruxelles with this textile Zoo Book. The animal pattern is framed in different coloured borders for a better cognitive learning (development of attention, associative learning, memorizing) and the chosen  animals are quite familiar. This used jeans book for babies has a cover which was painted manually with 3D textile painting and it has two  wooden buttons for sensory learning.
Cand am intrat in competitia de la Creativa Jeans Bruxelles cu tematica refolosirii blugilor, m-am gandit ca o carte textila din denim uzat cu tema Gradina Zoo, ar putea deveni un cadou unicat si personalizat pentru un bebelus curios si jucaus. A fost o adevarata placere sa concep aceasta carte denim uzat. Sabloanele cu animalute sunt incadrate fiecare de catre o banda de culoare si model diferit pentru a ajuta la o mai buna invatare cognitiva (dezvoltarea atentiei, invatarea asociativa, memorizare), iar personajele alese sunt foarte cunoscute. Aceasta carte din blugi reciclati are o coperta pictata manual cu vopsea textila 3D si are cusuti doi nasturei din lemn folositori la invatarea senzoriala.
My favourite Zoo book / Carticica Gradina Zoologica
My favourite Zoo book / Carticica Gradina Zoologica

"My favourite Zoo book / Carticica Gradina Zoologica"
 "My favourite Zoo book / Carticica Gradina Zoologica"

"My favourite Zoo book / Carticica Gradina Zoologica"
"My favourite Zoo book / Carticica Gradina Zoologica"

"My favourite Zoo book / Carticica Gradina Zoologica"
"My favourite Zoo book / Carticica Gradina Zoologica"

"My favourite Zoo book / Carticica Gradina Zoologica"
 "My favourite Zoo book / Carticica Gradina Zoologica"

"My favourite Zoo book / Carticica Gradina Zoologica"
"My favourite Zoo book / Carticica Gradina Zoologica"

"My favourite Zoo book / Carticica Gradina Zoologica"
"My favourite Zoo book / Carticica Gradina Zoologica"

Monday, February 12, 2018

"Shades of dancing ballerinas" textile bag / Sacosa textila "Shades of dancing ballerinas"

I am so happy for this idea which came to me a couple of days ago. I was thinking of a fancy stylish bag where to put my stuff for my dancing lessons and the hours I spend in the library or bookshops. I wanted a large bag but not to look like a sack. This dancing ballerinas textile bag combines the sweetness and delicacy of pink with shades of blue. Ballerinas always make me think to a universe of perfection, fineness and ellegance. This fabric bag is a perfect outfit for every casual appearance and mood.
Sunt atat de incantata de aceasta idee care mi-a venit acum cateva zile. Ma gandeam la o sacosa textila rezistenta care sa fie stilata si sa aduca un pic de fantezie si note jucause tinutei. De fapt, imi trecea prin minte cum as putea sa car echipmentul  orelor de dans sau cartile pe care le imprumut de la biblioteca sau le cumpar de la librarie fara sa am un aer neglijent, ci din contra sic. Mi-am dorit o sacosa mare, dar care sa nu arate a sac. Aceasta sacosa textila handmade, pe care am pictat manual balerinele dansand, combina dragalasenia si delicatetea roze-ului cu nuante reci de albastru. Balerinele ne poarta spre un univers al perfectiunii, finetii si elegantei, iar aceasta traista din material textil este un outfit perfect pentru orice aparitie casual.
"Shades of dancing ballerinas" textile bag
"Shades of dancing ballerinas" textile bag / Sacosa textila "Shades of dancing ballerinas"

Friday, February 2, 2018

"Playful ditsy" vanity case / Portfard "Playful ditsy"

I really love this combination between a ditsy printed corduroy fabric and orange cotton cloth. A peculiar note is created by the rick rack burgundy ribbon which links the delicate print of the corduroy to the strong orange note of the cotton. Where should you wear this playful vanity bag? It's up to you, but I have a nice cocktail party in my mind and a couple of minutes for you to go  and fix the make up. So all you need to keep  your important make up products is this unique handmade beauty bag to add a note of originality to your appearance.
Imi place foarte mult aceasta combinatie dintre printul ditsy al catifelei raiate si bumbacul portocaliu. O nota aparte o confera banda zig zag din catifea burgundy care face legatura intre printul delicat al raiatului si nuanta puternica de portocaliu al canavasului. Unde ai putea sa porti aceasta gentuta pentru cosmetice? Unde doresti, dar ma gandeam la o petrecere cocktail si la cateva minute in care iti retusezi machiajul. Asa ca ai nevoie de un plic textil unicat care sa aduca o nota de originalitate tinutei si in care sa-ti pastrezi cele mai importante   produse de machiaj.

"Playful ditsy" vanity case
"Playful ditsy" vanity case / Portfard "Playful ditsy"