I am a strong advocate of using the textile bags for two reasons: the first one is that they bear much more weight than a plastic bag and it lasts a considerable period of time and second because if you get to wear a textile bag you may be one of those persons that think of saving the environment.
The reports show us that 95% of plastic bags which are offered by all markets with so much generosity, suffocate literally the entire Planet!
A fabric bag is practical, protects your pockets from spending extra dimes all the time, you can match it to your outfits and the risk of spreading your items on the floor is at a minimum expectation.
That is why I started creating a new series of tote bags, shopping handbags, handmade book bags and school sacks. Each of these handmade fabric bags has a theme inspired by different prints, feelings and applications.
The flourished tree of spring is especially chosen for a nice picnic in the park or a walk on the streets of the city when you might need to carry some last minute shopping.
It has strong shades of sky blue and a bit of green. The pattern in the middle is framed by a pinkish ribbon with four buttons printed with flowers . And you can carry it on the shoulder too.
Smells like spring already!
Sunt o sustinatoare entuziasta a folosirii sacoselor textile din doua motive: primul este acela ca sacosele din panza sustin o greutate mai mare si rezista mai mult in timp si, in al doilea rand, daca porti genul acesta de traista, s-ar putea sa fii una dintre persoanele responsabile si careia ii pasa de mediul inconjurator si protejarea acestuia.
Rapoartele ne tot arata ca in jur de 95% din sacosele de plastic care ne sunt oferite cu atata darnicie de catre magazine, asfixiaza la propriu Planeta!
O sacosa textila este foarte practica, ne protejeaza portofelul de cheltuieli marunte dar seminifcative in timp, o poti asorta cu tinuta pe care o porti iar riscul de a-ti cadea si a-ti imprastia lucrurile pe jos este minim. Din acest motiv am ales sa creez o serie de traiste tote, sacose pentru cumparaturi si pentru carti ,saci pentru scoala si pentru orice alte intrebuintari. Fiecare dintre aceste sacose textile handmade are o tematica diferita data de imprimeurile alese, trairi si intrebuintari.
Copacelul inflorit al primaverii este special ales pentru un picnic in parc sau o plimbare prin oras cand probabil ai avea nevoie sa transporti niste cumparaturi de ultim moment.
Are nuante puternice de albastru ciel si un pic de verde. Imaginea din mijlocul sacosei este incadrata de o banda roz aprins si patru nasturei imprimati cu flori. Se poate purta si pe umar.
Deja miroase a primavara!
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The flourished tree of spring tote / Sacosa copacelul inflorit al primaverii |
Nice Post. I Learned a Nice Idea from your Post. Thank you very much for sharing.
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