Tuesday, October 31, 2017

"Playful spot of fuchsia" clutch / Plic " Playful spot of fuchsia"

Nothing can be better than a playful spot of fuchsia combined to a black and white flowered print especially when you need to add that something special to make a perfect outfit. Be it blue jeans or a bright pink long dress, no matter of the daytime, this handmade clutch is perfect! All the fabrics - cotton and Indian linen - and accessories are high quality.
Nimic nu se poate compara cu o nota jucausa de fucsia combinata cu un print floral alb negru, mai ales cand vrei sa adaugi o nota speciala pentru a face outfit-ul perfect. Indiferent ca e tinuta blue jeans sau rochie lunga de culoare roz aprins,indiferent de ce ora a zilei este, acest plic handmade este perfect! Tesaturile - bumbac si in indian - si accesoriile sunt de cea mai buna calitate.
"Playful spot of fuchsia" clutch / Plic " Playful spot of fuchsia"
"Playful spot of fuchsia" clutch / Plic " Playful spot of fuchsia"

Monday, October 30, 2017

Black and Yellow Peacock clutch / Plic Black and Yellow Peacock

The black clutch with a striking yellow spread in a handmade painted peacock brings to your appearance a slight touch of style and mystery. Ancient symbol interpreted in a personal manner is the detail that makes the appeal. Attach this clutch to a black shirt dress and  to shades of yellow with your footwear. One of a kind sewn clutch, made of high quality fabrics and accessories.
Acest plic negru cu note puternice de galben transpuse intr-un paun pictat manual aduce tinutei o nota de stil si mister. Simbolul antic al paunului  interpretat in viziune personala este detaliul care atrage atentia. Combina acest plic cu o rochie neagra tip camasa si cu o incaltaminte in nuante de galben. Un plic unicat, realizat din materiale si accesorii de inalta calitate.
Black and Yellow Peacock clutch / Plic Black and Yellow Peacock
Black and Yellow Peacock clutch / Plic Black and Yellow Peacock
Black and Yellow Peacock clutch / Plic Black and Yellow Peacock
Black and Yellow Peacock clutch / Plic Black and Yellow Peacock

Thursday, October 26, 2017

"Knights and Swords" backpack / Rucsac "Cavaleri si spade"

I sewed this backpack for my nephew, as he needed one to store his sport equipment. He is crazy about Middle Age, knights and all the stories related to that period. He adored it. The fabric I used is a high quality cotton from Timeless Treasures I bought from  De Stoffen Straat in Kasterlee, Belgium. They have plenty of fabulous fabrics. Would you like to do one of this for your child? Please leave a comment and I will contact you in due time. 

Am cusut cu drag acest rucsac pentru nepotul meu, fiindca avea nevoie de unul pentru a-si pastra echipamentul sportiv. I-a placut enorm, mai ales pentru ca e pasionat de Evul Mediu, de cavaleri si de toate povestile legate de aceasta perioada istorica. Materialul pe care l-am utilizat e un bumbac de calitate superioara de la Timeless Treasures, cumparat de la De Stoffen Straat, din Kasterlee, Belgia. Au o multime de imprimeuri fabuloase.
Ti-a placut modelul? Ai vrea sa-l incerci? Lasa-mi un comentariu si te voi contacta in timp util.
"Knights and Swords" backpack / Rucsac "Cavaleri si spade"
"Knights and Swords" backpack / Rucsac "Cavaleri si spade"

"Knights and Swords" backpack / Rucsac "Cavaleri si spade"
"Knights and Swords" backpack / Rucsac "Cavaleri si spade"

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

"Purple & pink" felt shoes / Papucei din fetru "Purple & pink"

The cold weather is already here, so a pair of cosy little felt shoes for your baby is a must. These shoes are entirely hand sewn for a special little girl - A. For the time being, her mommy's womb is warm and cosy, but in a few days, she may need the Purple & Pink felt shoes. I' m very honoured to know A. will wear the shoes I made.
Cum vremea rece a inceput deja, o pereche de papucei din fetru e alegerea perfecta pentru bebelusul tau. Acesti papucei sunt cusuti manual, inclusiv aplicatiile, pentru o fetita pe care parintii o asteapta cu nerabdare. Cu toate ca momentan, profita de caldura si protectia oferita de burtica mamei, in cateva zile, s-ar putea sa aiba nevoie de papuceii din fetru special facuti pentru ea.  Intr-adevar, ma simt onorata sa stiu ca micuta A. va purta papuceii "Purple&Pink".
"Purple & pink" felt shoes / Papucei din fetru "Purple & pink"
"Purple & pink" felt shoes / Papucei din fetru "Purple & pink"

"Purple & pink" felt shoes / Papucei din fetru "Purple & pink"
"Purple & pink" felt shoes / Papucei din fetru "Purple & pink"

Thursday, October 12, 2017

"The blue-green dots" clutch / Plic "Buline verzi-albastre"

These playful printed colors are a balanced, even dynamic combination. The ruling grey, the color of strong but hidden emotions of glamour and expectation blends with shades of blue which induce to relaxation, calm and daydreaming. The drops of green stamp on the whole creation. Green is the main world background color, the definition of harmony, of freshness and of nature. You'll definitely succeed to give a strong impression of free spirited soul. Just wear this with a casual look till late in the afternoon.
O combinatie echilibrata, dar dinamica intre nuante distribuite jucaus. Predominantul gri, culoarea emotiilor puternice dar ascunse, a elegantei si a expectativei se imbina cu note de albastru ce indeamna la relaxare, calmitate si visare. Stropii de verde trag linia definitorie, fiind culoarea de fond a lumii noastre, definitia armoniei, a prospetimii, a naturii si a tineretii. Veti reusi cu siguranta sa lasati o impresie puternica si usor non conformista cu acest plic asortat la o tinunta casual, pana dupa amiaza tarziu. 

"The blue-green dots" clutch / Plic "Buline verzi-albastre"
"The blue-green dots" clutch / Plic "Buline verzi-albastre"

Monday, October 9, 2017

The "Leaves and Charms" clutch / Plic "Frunze si charm-uri"

The good luck joyful clutch: Red is energy and blue is calm, red is warmth and blue is chill, where you go take this mixture of contrasts and you'll never fail to impress. The detail which makes it noticeable are those tiny metal leaves, an irresistible accessory no matter of daytime.
Un alt plic unicat la care am lucrat cu mult drag. Rosul energic si albastrul calm se intalnesc, dand nastere unei combinatii de culori indraznete si vesele. Detaliile ce scot in evidenta aceasta geanta sunt acele frunze metalice minuscule care subliniaza linia jucausa si fac din acest plic un accesoriu irezistibil.
The "Leaves and Charms" clutch /  Plic "Frunze si charm-uri"
The "Leaves and Charms" clutch /  Plic "Frunze si charm-uri"

Monday, October 2, 2017

"Lovely nature" Baby hooded towel set / Prosop pentru bebe "Natura minunata"

The "Lovely nature" towel is the perfect gift for a newborn. It is soft and delicate and made of 100 % cotton. The set is composed of a 70cm x 70cm hooded towel and a cute wash mitt. Your baby will be really pamper after a warm bath.

Prosopul pentru bebe " Natura minunata" reprezinta un cadou perfect pentru un nou-nascut. Setul este compus dintr-un prosop cu dimensiunile de 70cm x 70cm cu gluga si o manusa de baie. Textura moale si delicata a bumbacului iti va rasfata copilul dupa o baie calda.
"Lovely nature" Baby towel / Prosop pentru bebe "Natura minunata"
"Lovely nature" Baby towel / Prosop pentru bebe "Natura minunata"