Friday, June 29, 2018

"Playgame with cheerful dots" vanity bag / Portfard "Jocul bulinelor marine"

You softly sigh while looking at the bathroom shelf.
You would like to have a magic wand to make them disappear. Yes, all eyelids pencils or eyebrows pencils, the eyeliner, the mascara or the lipstick, the eye shadows and all those brushes spread everywhere.  And you think  time is ticking away and you need  to gather all these and carry them away with you in the weekend trip, at the company workshop.
But you know you cannot bring all of these with you so a bare necessity would fit perfectly into a textile vanity bag like this one.
Your look fall upon this white small sized pouch with nice shades of green and blue squeezed together in playful polka dots. You see that discreet detail of your name painted in golden tone and you are as happy as a child with its own toy.
This fabric vanity kit is all yours, you can carry it with you anytime and everywhere you need a perfect make up for daytime or evening meetings.

Privesti etajera din baie si oftezi usor. 
Ai vrea o bagheta dintr-aia magica sa le faca sa dispara. Da, toate creioanele Khol sau pentru sprancene, tusul de pleoape, rujuri, farduri si pensulele imprastiate.  Si timpul asta scurt in care trebuie sa le aduni si sa le cari dupa tine in deplasarea de weekend, la workshopul din cadrul firmei.
Stii ca nu poti sa le iei pe toate asa ca un strict necesar ar incapea intr-un portfard textil, usor de strecurat in geanta.
Si privirea-ti cade pe aceasta poseta mica, alba cu nuante verzi albastre adunate in buline jucause. Iar acel detaliu discret al numelui tau pictat intr-o nuanta aurie te incanta , ca pe un copil o jucarie creata doar pentru el. Este al tau si il poti purta oriunde si oricand ai nevoie de un machiaj perfect de seara sau de zi.
"Playgame with cheerful dots" vanity bag
"Playgame with cheerful dots" vanity bag / Portfard "Jocul  bulinelor marine"

"Playgame with cheerful dots" vanity bag
"Playgame with cheerful dots" vanity bag / Portfard "Jocul  bulinelor marine"

"Playgame with cheerful dots" vanity bag
"Playgame with cheerful dots" vanity bag / Portfard "Jocul  bulinelor marine"

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