Sunday, February 21, 2016

Wedding or Christening favours / Marturii de nunta sau botez

Nu am crezut ca pot avea rabdarea necesara de a coase marturii. Cu toate acestea, am reusit sa realizez 90 de marturii de nunta pentru prietena mea si 25 pentru botezul nepotelei mele. M-am inarmat cu multa vointa si printre picaturi am reusit sa obtin rezultatele mult dorite.

Wedding or christening favours have been for long something I've never imagined I could do. It's pretty annoying to spend time sewing the same model 90 times. However, in the end I managed to achieve the result I was hoping for. 90 wedding favours for my friend and 25 for the christening of my niece!An useful inspiration source for the christening favours was the famous Belgian fries cone .
Christening favours
Christening favours
Wedding favours
Wedding favours
Wedding favours
Wedding favours

Friday, February 5, 2016

"The mighty cat summer dress" / Rochita cu pisicute

Well, well...a funny dress for my adorable niece. She can wear it as a dress and later, as a cute summer blouse...

O rochita de vara cu un imprimeu nostim pentru draga mea nepotica... Poate fi purtata ca si rochita, apoi ca si bluza asortata cu o pereche de pantaloni scurti...

"The mighty cat" summer dress for toddler