Saturday, December 16, 2017

Comfy Wool Coat / Sacou din stofa "Comfy"

One of my favourite sewing project was a comfy wool coat for a little girl of 3 years old. The cheerful note of this check pattern fabric is emphasized by the mixture of colored squares and the owl shaped wooden button. A full line of the sewn garment ensures the kid free movement, keeping a fashionable look at the same time. For a softer and warmer sensation I sewed a lining on the reverse side, thus the coat can be worn during autumn and spring. The best feedback came from the little girl who wears this soft wool coat with great joy.

Unul dintre proiectele mele de cusut  preferate a fost aceasta jacheta comfortabila din lana  pentru o fetita de trei ani. Stofa in carouri vesele este pusa in valoare de combinatia de culori si un accesoriu irezistibil strecurat sub forma unui nasture din lemn in forma de bufnita. Cusaturile lejere ale hainutei permite copilului  sa se miste in voie si sa pastreze in acelasi timp un aspect casual elegant. Pe interiorul jachetei de stofa am cusut o captuseala care sa asigure stabilitatea materialului si sa fie mai calduros pentru a fi purtat atat toamna cat si primavara. Cel mai bun feedback l-am primit de la insasi aceasta fetita draga care poarta hainuta din stofa cu mare bucurie si mandrie.

Comfy Wool Coat / Sacou din stofa "Comfy"
Comfy Wool Coat / Sacou din stofa "Comfy"

Comfy Wool Coat / Sacou din stofa "Comfy"
Comfy Wool Coat / Sacou din stofa "Comfy"

Saturday, December 2, 2017

"Brother & sister" vintage set / Set de haine vintage "Frate si sora"

Here's the story of this brother and sister set. G. has to play in a school theater piece: "The little match girl" and he needs to dress like centuries ago. Therefore, I sewed a pair of shorts our of flannel with suspenders and wooden buttons to match. And why not sewing a cozy skirt for his little sister? To complete a "vintage" look I crocheted the hem of the skirt with matching cotton thread. Not to mention the bow tie G. will wear during his performance. Then it can be turned into a perfect accessory for his sister's hair. The flannel is the softest and warmest woven fabric to be wear during the cold season.

Iata povestea acestui set de hainute pentru frate si sora. G. va trebui sa joace intr-o piesa de teatru la scoala : "Fetita cu chibriturile" si are nevoie de haine adaptate acelei epoci. Dintr-un finet de calitate superioara am cusut o pereche de pantaloni scurti cu bretele si nasturi de lemn. Din restul de material si o bucata de captuseala am cusut o fustita pentru S, sora lui G. Pentru un a da o nota de vechime, am crosetat tivul fustitei. Papionul pe care G. il va purta in timpul piesei, va deveni accesoriul perfect pentru parul surorii sale. Pentru sezonul rece, cea mai potrivita tesatura este acest finet moale si calduros.

"Brother & sister" vintage set / Set de haine vintage "Frate si sora"
"Brother & sister" vintage set / Set de haine vintage "Frate si sora"

"Brother & sister" vintage set / Set de haine vintage "Frate si sora"
"Brother & sister" vintage set / Set de haine vintage "Frate si sora"

"Brother & sister" vintage set / Set de haine vintage "Frate si sora"
"Brother & sister" vintage set / Set de haine vintage "Frate si sora"
"Brother & sister" vintage set / Set de haine vintage "Frate si sora"
 "Brother & sister" vintage set / Set de haine vintage "Frate si sora"

Sunday, November 12, 2017

"Dear pansies" clutch / Plic "Panselute dragi"

Dear cheerful pansies are here on this handmade clutch to bring a note of joy and bright disposition to your spirit. This bunch of gorgeous colors with strong elements of green matches every outfit, be it out of social constraint, romantic or just casual. The fabrics and accessories are high quality.

Panselute dragi si vesele au poposit aici, pe acest plic, pentru a picura o nota de bucurie si buna dispozitie simturilor tale. Acest buchet de culori minunate, cu puternice elemente de verde se potriveste cu orice outfit, indiferent ca e atipic, romantic sau doar casual. Accesoriile si tesaturile folosite sunt de inalta calitate.

"The bright pansies" clutch / Plic "Panselutele luminoase"
"The bright pansies" clutch / Plic "Panselutele luminoase"

"The bright pansies" clutch / Plic "Panselutele luminoase"
"The bright pansies" clutch / Plic "Panselutele luminoase"

Tuesday, October 31, 2017

"Playful spot of fuchsia" clutch / Plic " Playful spot of fuchsia"

Nothing can be better than a playful spot of fuchsia combined to a black and white flowered print especially when you need to add that something special to make a perfect outfit. Be it blue jeans or a bright pink long dress, no matter of the daytime, this handmade clutch is perfect! All the fabrics - cotton and Indian linen - and accessories are high quality.
Nimic nu se poate compara cu o nota jucausa de fucsia combinata cu un print floral alb negru, mai ales cand vrei sa adaugi o nota speciala pentru a face outfit-ul perfect. Indiferent ca e tinuta blue jeans sau rochie lunga de culoare roz aprins,indiferent de ce ora a zilei este, acest plic handmade este perfect! Tesaturile - bumbac si in indian - si accesoriile sunt de cea mai buna calitate. 
"Playful spot of fuchsia" clutch / Plic " Playful spot of fuchsia"
"Playful spot of fuchsia" clutch / Plic " Playful spot of fuchsia"

Monday, October 30, 2017

Black and Yellow Peacock clutch / Plic Black and Yellow Peacock

The black clutch with a striking yellow spread in a handmade painted peacock brings to your appearance a slight touch of style and mystery. Ancient symbol interpreted in a personal manner is the detail that makes the appeal. Attach this clutch to a black shirt dress and  to shades of yellow with your footwear. One of a kind sewn clutch, made of high quality fabrics and accessories.
Acest plic negru cu note puternice de galben transpuse intr-un paun pictat manual aduce tinutei o nota de stil si mister. Simbolul antic al paunului  interpretat in viziune personala este detaliul care atrage atentia. Combina acest plic cu o rochie neagra tip camasa si cu o incaltaminte in nuante de galben. Un plic unicat, realizat din materiale si accesorii de inalta calitate.  
Black and Yellow Peacock clutch / Plic Black and Yellow Peacock
Black and Yellow Peacock clutch / Plic Black and Yellow Peacock
Black and Yellow Peacock clutch / Plic Black and Yellow Peacock
Black and Yellow Peacock clutch / Plic Black and Yellow Peacock

Thursday, October 26, 2017

"Knights and Swords" backpack / Rucsac "Cavaleri si spade"

I sewed this backpack for my nephew, as he needed one to store his sport equipment. He is crazy about Middle Age, knights and all the stories related to that period. He adored it. The fabric I used is a high quality cotton from Timeless Treasures I bought from  De Stoffen Straat in Kasterlee, Belgium. They have plenty of fabulous fabrics. Would you like to do one of this for your child? Please leave a comment and I will contact you in due time. 

Am cusut cu drag acest rucsac pentru nepotul meu, fiindca avea nevoie de unul pentru a-si pastra echipamentul sportiv. I-a placut enorm, mai ales pentru ca e pasionat de Evul Mediu, de cavaleri si de toate povestile legate de aceasta perioada istorica. Materialul pe care l-am utilizat e un bumbac de calitate superioara de la Timeless Treasures, cumparat de la De Stoffen Straat, din Kasterlee, Belgia. Au o multime de imprimeuri fabuloase.
Ti-a placut modelul? Ai vrea sa-l incerci? Lasa-mi un comentariu si te voi contacta in timp util.
"Knights and Swords" backpack / Rucsac "Cavaleri si spade"
"Knights and Swords" backpack / Rucsac "Cavaleri si spade"

"Knights and Swords" backpack / Rucsac "Cavaleri si spade"
"Knights and Swords" backpack / Rucsac "Cavaleri si spade"

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

"Purple & pink" felt shoes / Papucei din fetru "Purple & pink"

The cold weather is already here, so a pair of cosy little felt shoes for your baby is a must. These shoes are entirely hand sewn for a special little girl - A. For the time being, her mommy's womb is warm and cosy, but in a few days, she may need the Purple & Pink felt shoes. I' m very honoured to know A. will wear the shoes I made.
Cum vremea rece a inceput deja, o pereche de papucei din fetru e alegerea perfecta pentru bebelusul tau. Acesti papucei sunt cusuti manual, inclusiv aplicatiile, pentru o fetita pe care parintii o asteapta cu nerabdare. Cu toate ca momentan, profita de caldura si protectia oferita de burtica mamei, in cateva zile, s-ar putea sa aiba nevoie de papuceii din fetru special facuti pentru ea.  Intr-adevar, ma simt onorata sa stiu ca micuta A. va purta papuceii "Purple&Pink".
"Purple & pink" felt shoes / Papucei din fetru "Purple & pink"
"Purple & pink" felt shoes / Papucei din fetru "Purple & pink"

"Purple & pink" felt shoes / Papucei din fetru "Purple & pink"
"Purple & pink" felt shoes / Papucei din fetru "Purple & pink"

Thursday, October 12, 2017

"The blue-green dots" clutch / Plic "Buline verzi-albastre"

These playful printed colors are a balanced, even dynamic combination. The ruling grey, the color of strong but hidden emotions of glamour and expectation blends with shades of blue which induce to relaxation, calm and daydreaming. The drops of green stamp on the whole creation. Green is the main world background color, the definition of harmony, of freshness and of nature. You'll definitely succeed to give a strong impression of free spirited soul. Just wear this with a casual look till late in the afternoon.
O combinatie echilibrata, dar dinamica intre nuante distribuite jucaus. Predominantul gri, culoarea emotiilor puternice dar ascunse, a elegantei si a expectativei se imbina cu note de albastru ce indeamna la relaxare, calmitate si visare. Stropii de verde trag linia definitorie, fiind culoarea de fond a lumii noastre, definitia armoniei, a prospetimii, a naturii si a tineretii. Veti reusi cu siguranta sa lasati o impresie puternica si usor non conformista cu acest plic asortat la o tinunta casual, pana dupa amiaza tarziu. 
"The blue-green dots" clutch / Plic "Buline verzi-albastre"
"The blue-green dots" clutch / Plic "Buline verzi-albastre"

Monday, October 9, 2017

The "Leaves and Charms" clutch / Plic "Frunze si charm-uri"

The good luck joyful clutch: Red is energy and blue is calm, red is warmth and blue is chill, where you go take this mixture of contrasts and you'll never fail to impress. The detail which makes it noticeable are those tiny metal leaves, an irresistible accessory no matter of daytime.
Un alt plic unicat la care am lucrat cu mult drag. Rosul energic si albastrul calm se intalnesc, dand nastere unei combinatii de culori indraznete si vesele. Detaliile ce scot in evidenta aceasta geanta sunt acele frunze metalice minuscule care subliniaza linia jucausa si fac din acest plic un accesoriu irezistibil. 
The "Leaves and Charms" clutch /  Plic "Frunze si charm-uri"
The "Leaves and Charms" clutch /  Plic "Frunze si charm-uri"

Monday, October 2, 2017

"Lovely nature" Baby hooded towel set / Prosop pentru bebe "Natura minunata"

The "Lovely nature" towel is the perfect gift for a newborn. It is soft and delicate and made of 100 % cotton. The set is composed of a 70cm x 70cm hooded towel and a cute wash mitt. Your baby will be really pamper after a warm bath.

Prosopul pentru bebe " Natura minunata" reprezinta un cadou perfect pentru un nou-nascut. Setul este compus dintr-un prosop cu dimensiunile de 70cm x 70cm cu gluga si o manusa de baie. Textura moale si delicata a bumbacului iti va rasfata copilul dupa o baie calda.
"Lovely nature" Baby towel / Prosop pentru bebe "Natura minunata"
"Lovely nature" Baby towel / Prosop pentru bebe "Natura minunata"

Monday, September 18, 2017

"Paris at twilight" clutch / Plic "Paris at twilight"

Any other words would be too much to describe this one of a kind clutch. Therefore, I think the Kate Simon's quote about Paris it's the best metaphorical description. “A final reminder. Whenever you are in Paris at twilight in the early summer, return to the Seine and watch the evening sky close slowly on a last strand of daylight fading quietly, like a sigh.”

Oricare alte cuvinte ar fi de prisos pentru a descrie acest plic unicat. Asadar, citatul lui Kate Simon despre Paris e cea mai buna descrire metaforica. "Un ultim memento. Ori de câte ori vă aflați la Paris la amurg, la începutul verii, întoarceți-vă la Sena și priviți cerul de seară într-o ultimă fâșie de lumină naturală ce se estompează liniștit, ca un oftat."
"Paris at twilight" clutch / Plic "Paris at twilight"
 "Paris at twilight" clutch / Plic "Paris at twilight"

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

"Forget-me-nots deep blue" clutch / Plic "Nu-ma-uita"

Take the time to remember those you love. Make memories that last and extend your caring to those that need it most. This delicate clutch is a perfect accessory, that small item which makes a difference even when you're hanging around with your friends. This one-of-a-kind clutch is hand painted and made of high quality fabrics and accessories.

Fa-ti timp sa-ti aduci aminte de cei pe care ii iubesti. Creeaza amintiri frumoase si de neuitat. Cu siguranta vei fi remarcata, daca vei purta plicul unicat si pictat manual -  "Nu-ma-uita". Tesaturile si acesoriile utilizate sunt de cea mai buna calitate.

 "Forget-me-nots deep blue" clutch / Plic "Nu-ma-uita"
 "Forget-me-nots deep blue" clutch / Plic "Nu-ma-uita"

Saturday, September 2, 2017

"The Green Bow Dutchess" clutch / Plic "The Green Bow Dutchess"

Delicate, stylish and so feminine, there is no reason to hesitate incorporating a bow into your own style. There will always be a bow in our wardrobe to change the mood and cheer the outfits. "The Green Bow Dutchess" clutch is made of high quality fabrics and accessories. You may use it for your phone or make-up products and match it with a summer dress.

Delicat, stilat si atat de feminin...Este plicul "The Green Bow Dutchess". Sa nu eziti vreodata sa adaugi o funda tinutei tale pentru o buna dispozitie. Materialele si accesoriile folosite la realizarea acestui plic sunt de inalta calitate.
"The Green Bow Dutchess" clutch
"The Green Bow Dutchess" clutch / Plic "The Green Bow Dutchess"

Thursday, July 27, 2017

Cheerful Circles clutch / Plic Cheerful Circles

This unique stylish clutch with aquatic tones is ready to be taken on a seaside walk. It's a perfect salt 'n pepper accessory for an easy look. The hand painted Cheerful Circles clutch is made of high quality fabric and accessories. You may use it for your phone or make-up products and you may match it with a summer dress.

Stilat, unic si cu tonuri acvatice, plicul " Cercurile Vesele" este gata de a fi luat la o plimbare pe litoral. Este un accesoriu perfect pentru o tinuta de vara. Plicul  este pictat manual, iar pompon-ul este, de asemenea, realizat manual. Materialele si accesoriile folosite sunt de inalta calitate.
Cheerful Circles clutch
Cheerful Circles clutch / Plic Cheerful Circles

Friday, July 14, 2017

Sparkling flamingo clutch / Plic Flamingi sclipitori

A symbol of illusion and shape-shifting, the flamingo was revered as the personification of Ra, the Egyptian sun god. Match this bright pink Flamingoes with anything sober and it will create a well-balanced line, suggesting a vibrant and social person who truly enjoys the company of others. This one-of-a-kind clutch is hand painted and made of high quality fabrics and accessories.

Un simbol al iluziei și schimbării formei, flamingo-ul a fost venerat ca personificarea lui Ra, zeul egiptean al soarelui. Asorteaza acest plic cu o tinuta sobra si vei obtine o linie bine echilibrată, sugerând o persoană socială, care se bucura cu adevărat de compania celor din jur. Acest plic unicat este pictat manual și fabricat din materiale și accesorii de înaltă calitate.

"Sparkling flamingo clutch"
Sparkling flamingo clutch /  Plic Flamingi sclipitori

Wednesday, July 5, 2017

"The Velocipede" clutch / Plic "Velociped"

This clutch would say: "Take me to a romantic ride on a sunny afternoon. Spread your love and optimism through all your pores... Let me be a part of unforgettable moments! The clutch is hand painted and made of high quality fabrics and accessories.

Velocipedul imi inspira libertatea de a calatori. In acelasi timp, emana optimism si veselie. Te imbie sa-l iei la o plimbare romantica de dupa-amiaza... Plicul este pictat manual și este fabricat din textile și accesorii de înaltă calitate.
"The Velocipede" clutch
"The Velocipede" clutch / Plic "Velociped"

Tuesday, June 27, 2017

“The beauty of the Dandelion” clutch / Plic “The beauty of the Dandelion”

Every clutch I create has a particular story. The Dandelion flower means fulfilled wishes, youth and joy. Every time you wear this clutch, remember the cheerfulness of a sunny summer's day. The clutch is hand painted and made of high quality fabrics and accessories.
Fiecare plic pe care-l creez are o poveste particulară. Floarea păpădie înseamnă dorințe împlinite, tinerețe și bucurie. De fiecare dată când purtați aceasta geanta plic, amintiți-vă de veselia unei zile însorite de vară. Plicul este pictat manual și este fabricat din țesături și accesorii de înaltă calitate.
“The beauty of the Dandelion” clutch
“The beauty of the Dandelion” clutch / Plic “The beauty of the Dandelion”

“The beauty of the Dandelion” clutch
“The beauty of the Dandelion” clutch / Plic “The beauty of the Dandelion”

Thursday, June 22, 2017

“The Enchanting Orangery” clutch / Plic "The Enchanting Orangery"

The orange trees are magical and bring us a drop of sun and hope. The Enchanting Orangery clutch is made of high quality cotton. You may use it for your phone, make-up products and other accessories or you may match it with a summer dress.
Portocalii sunt pomi fructiferi cu o combinatie magica de culori, ce inspira soare, optimism si speranta. Plicul este realizat manual din materiale de inalta calitate - bumbac 100% si intaritoare speciale. Se poate folosi pentru telefon, produse de machiaj si alte accesorii sau sa o asortezi la o tinuta de vara.
“The Enchanting Orangery” clutch
“The Enchanting Orangery” clutch /  Plic "The Enchanting Orangery"

Friday, June 16, 2017

“Sprinkle of vibrant Africa” clutch / Plic "Sprinkle of vibrant Africa"

The print of this clutch reminds me of Africa's astounding natural beauty, the awe-inspiring colours and its breath taking landscapes. The clutch is one of a kind and is made of high quality African wax. You may use it for your phone, make-up products and other accessories or you may match it with a summer dress.
Imprimeul plicului "Sprinkle of vibrant Africa" te duce cu gandul la frumusetile naturale ale acestui minunat continent, la culorile uimitoare si la peisajele care iti taie respiratia. Plicul este unicat si lucrat manual, din bumbac african de calitate superioara si se poate folosi pentru telefon, produse de machiaj si alte accesorii sau sa o asortezi la o tinuta de vara. 
"Sprinkle of vibrant Africa" clutch
“Sprinkle of vibrant Africa” clutch / Plic "Sprinkle of vibrant Africa"

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

"Purple Pink Polka Dots" Summer Hat & Romper / Palarie de vara si Salopeta "Purple Pink Polka Dots"

My adorable little niece needs a hat for this summer. Therefore I sewed this  unique hat to match a romper I made last year when she was 2. Surprisingly, she still wears the romper. As usual, I used a high quality light cotton.
Nepotica mea scumpa are nevoie de o palariuta de soare pentru vara aceasta. De aceea, am cusut o palarie care sa se asorteze cu salopeta pe care i-am facut-o anul trecut, cand avea 2 ani. In mod surprinzator, inca o mai poarta. Ca de obicei, am utilizat un bumbac lejer de calitate inalta.
"Purple Pink Polka Dots" Summer Hat / Palarie de vara "Purple Pink Polka Dots"
"Purple Pink Polka Dots" Summer Hat / Palarie de vara "Purple Pink Polka Dots"
"Purple Pink Polka Dots" summer romper
"Purple Pink Polka Dots" summer romper

Friday, May 5, 2017

"Scooter Time" summer wear for boys / Set hainute de vara "Scooter Time"

A perfect present for a little boy who likes scooters and motorcycles. Inside the storage bag, you will find a pair of shorts and a summer hat made of high quality cotton.  I sewed a little scooter/Vespa charm on the hat and the shorts have a flat front. This one-of-a-kind set is suitable for a toddler between 18 and 24 months. 
Un cadou perfect pentru un băiețel caruia ii plac scuterele si motocicletele. În interiorul saculetului veți găsi o pereche de pantaloni scurți și o pălărie de vară din bumbac de înaltă calitate. Am cusut un charm scuter/Vespa pe pălărie pentru un aer strengaresc. Acest set unicat este potrivit pentru un copil între 18-24 luni.
"Scooter time" summer wear for boys
"Scooter Time" summer wear for boys / Set hainute de vara "Scooter Time"

"Scooter time" summer wear for boys
"Scooter Time" summer wear for boys / Set hainute de vara "Scooter Time"

"Scooter time" summer wear for boys
"Scooter Time" summer wear for boys / Set hainute de vara "Scooter Time"

"Scooter Time summer wear for boys"
"Scooter Time" summer wear for boys / Set hainute de vara "Scooter Time"
"Scooter Time" summer wear for boys / Set hainute de vara "Scooter Time"

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

"Birds and butterflies" summer wear for kids / "Pasari si fluturasi" set de hainute de vara

I made this pink "Giant Candy" for Martha, a lovely little girl from Greece. The one of a kind bag, romper and summer hat are custom-made. I sewed them with care and passion, using high quality light cotton fabrics. Dear summer, here we are :)!

Am realizat aceasta "Bomboana Uriasa" roz pentru Martha, o fetita minunata din Grecia. Atat saculetul, cat si palaria si salopeta sunt unicate si personalizate, cusute cu mult drag, utilizand bumbacuri fine de calitate superioara. Suntem pregatiti pentru vara!!!
"Birds and butterflies" summer wear for kids
"Birds and butterflies" summer wear for kids

"Birds and butterflies" summer wear for kids
"Birds and butterflies" summer wear for kids
"Birds and butterflies" summer wear for kids
"Birds and butterflies" summer wear for kids

"Birds and butterflies" summer wear for kids
"Birds and butterflies" summer wear for kids

"Birds and butterflies" summer wear for kids
"Birds and butterflies" summer wear for kids

"Birds and butterflies" summer wear for kids
"Birds and butterflies" summer wear for kids

"Birds and butterflies" summer wear for kids
"Birds and butterflies" summer wear for kids

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

"Poppies in Tuscany" jewelery wooden box / Cutie de bijuterii "Maci in Toscana"

I made this unique jewellery wooden box for a lady who loves poppies and travelling. What better gift than a handmade box where she can store jewelleries or travelling photos. The wooden box is handmade decorated with a bucolic landscape of Tuscany, using the decoupage technique.

Am realizat aceasta cutie de lemn pentru o doamna care adora florile si calatoriile. E un cadou perfect, mai ales pentru ca il poate folosi pentru depozitarea bijuteriilor sau pentru pastrarea fotografiilor din excursii. Utilizand tehnica decupajului, am decorat cutia de lemn cu un peisaj bucolic din Toscana.
"Poppies in Tuscany" jewelery wooden box
"Poppies in Tuscany" jewelery wooden box / Cutie de bijuterii "Maci in Toscana"

"Poppies in Tuscany" jewelery wooden box
"Poppies in Tuscany" jewelery wooden box / Cutie de bijuterii "Maci in Toscana"

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

"The Little Sailor " sun hat / Palarie de vara "Micul Marinar"

The weather gets warmer and warmer and you definitely need a sunhat to protect your kid's head. With some fabric leftovers, a cool ribbon, a charm and a lot of passion, I sewn this unique sunhat for my sun. Its light cotton is soft and just perfect for the sunny days.
Incetul cu incetul, vremea se incalzeste si cu siguranta, avem nevoie de o palarie de vara care sa ne protejeze copilul. Din cateva resturi de materiale, o banda cu motive marine, un charm in forma de ancora si multa pasiune, am cusut o palarie de vara unica pentru baietelul meu. Bumbacul lejer e alegerea perfecta pentru zilele calduroase si insorite.
"The Little Sailor " sunhat"
"The Little Sailor " sun hat / Palarie de vara "Micul Marinar"

"The Little Sailor " sunhat"
"The Little Sailor " sun hat / Palarie de vara "Micul Marinar"

"The Little Sailor " sunhat"
"The Little Sailor " sun hat / Palarie de vara "Micul Marinar"

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

"Happy animals on boats" pyjama pants / Panataloni de pijama "Happy animals on boats"

I couldn't resist sewing another set of flannel pyjama pants. I loved the funny animals and colourful print. Your toddler will adore these cosy flannel pants packed in a bag of the same fabric.
Mi-a placut foarte mult acest finet, datorita imprimeului colorat cu animale vesele si barcute. De aceea, nu m-am putut abtine si am cusut o alta pereche de pantloni de pijama pentru un copilas de 3 ani. I-am impachetat intr-un saculet din acelasi material.
"Happy animals on boats" Pyjama Pants
"Happy animals on boats" pyjama pants
"Happy animals on boats" Pyjama Pants
"Happy animals on boats" pyjama pants
"Happy animals on boats" Pyjama Pants
"Happy animals on boats" pyjama pants

"Happy animals on boats" Pyjama Pants
"Happy animals on boats" pyjama pants