Nothing can be better than a playful spot of fuchsia combined to a black and white flowered print especially when you need to add that something special to make a perfect outfit. Be it blue jeans or a bright pink long dress, no matter of the daytime, this handmade clutch is perfect! All the fabrics - cotton and Indian linen - and accessories are high quality.
Nimic nu se poate compara cu o nota jucausa de fucsia combinata cu un print floral alb negru, mai ales cand vrei sa adaugi o nota speciala pentru a face outfit-ul perfect. Indiferent ca e tinuta blue jeans sau rochie lunga de culoare roz aprins,indiferent de ce ora a zilei este, acest plic handmade este perfect! Tesaturile - bumbac si in indian - si accesoriile sunt de cea mai buna calitate.