Intr-o zi vei urca pe spatele unui Unicorn si vei face un ocol al Pamantului. Te vei opri o clipa pe taramul prafuit al Lunii sa-ti sopteasca marele secret al Somnului Bun. Apoi vei cobori in golful Azul, unde se aduna sirenele cu parul lung, auriu care-si intrec glasurile fermecate. Vei trece dincolo de Padurea Picurilor de Argint sa iei ceaiul aromat de dupa-amiaza cu diafanii elfi. Ii voi ruga sa te invete sa zbori. Si vei avea nevoie de-o gentuta sa pui praful magic care-ti da avant pentru un zbor perfect. Tocmai am creat-o si abia astept sa o incerci!
One day you'll get on a Unicorne's back and travel around the whole world. You will lay over the dusty land of Moon where she 'll whisper the great secret of the Good Sleep. Then, you will come down the Azul bay, where the long golden-haired mermaids are gather to find who's having the most charming voice of them all. You will reach the other side of Silver Droplet Wood to have a flavoured tea with airy elves. I will ask them to teach you how to fly. And you'll need a purse to put the magic powder because it will help you with a perfect run-up. I've just created it for you and I cannot wait for you to try it.
The unicorn purse / Gentuta cu unicorn |
The unicorn purse / Gentuta cu unicorn |
The unicorn purse / Gentuta cu unicorn |
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