Fetita isi aranjeaza cu grija pliurile fustitei. E super incantata. Isi trage ciorapeii rosii, se incalta cu pantofiorii negri si zambind se priveste in oglinda. Stie ca nici una dintre prietenele ei nu mai are o asemenea fustita. E facuta special pentru ea, pentru ca cineva a stiut ca ei ii plac povestile, mai ales cele cu elfi. Si deja cunoaste foarte bine povestea piticului Natu si a broscutei Tacu, cei doi prieteni buni. Stie, de exemplu, ca broscutei ii place sa se ascunda in unicul buzunar al pantalonilor lui Natu. Dar el nu se supara. E mereu zambitor si bun. Nu se incrunta nici macar cand, uneori, isi baga coada, pardon, palaria, ciuperca cea uituca, Lia. Lui Natu ii place s-atipeasca deseori pe muschiul verde, moale ca de catifea, sub umbra palariei rosii cu buline albe a doamnei Lia. Si cand se trezeste, ai lui cipici rosii cu dungi albe ia-i de unde nu-s. Mereu dispar. Noroc cu Tacu, broscuta saritoare, care, dupa lungi discutii in semne si cu inimioare, i-a spus intr-un final ciupercii visatoare:
`` Cipicii rosii cu dungi albe nu sunt deloc marimea ta
Si nu se potrivesc nicicum cu palaria ta.
Sa-i dai, te rog, lui Natu cipicii rosii cu dungi albe inapoi,
Iar noi ne vom juca-n coliba lui micuta, apoi! ``
The little girl snugs her skirt folds carefully. She is so delighted! She puts on the red long socks and the black shoes. She admires herself in the mirror. She knows that none of her friends has such a skirt. And she smiles. It was created especially for her, because someone knew she likes the fairy tales, mostly those with elves. She already knows by heart the story of Natu, the elf, and of his best friend Tacu, the frog. She found out that the little frog likes to hide in the only pocket of Natu’s pants. But he is not getting upset. He is good and always smiling. He is not even frowning his eyebrows when, sometimes, Lia, the ditzy mushroom, doesn’t mind her own “business”, sorry, hat.
Natu likes so much to nap in the afternoon. And he does this on the green, smooth-like-velvet moss, under the shadow of Mrs. Lia’s white polka dots red hat. And when he wakes up, his red white striped booties are gone. They always disappear. Luckily, he has Tacu, the jumping frog, which, after long talks with signs and hearts, finally told the dreaming mushroom:
“The red white striped booties are not at all your size,
And nor do they match your fancy hat, my advice!
So, please, give Natu his red white striped booties back
And all together we'll play in his little shack!"
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A tale on velvet skirt / O poveste pe catifea |
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A tale on velvet skirt / O poveste pe catifea |