Privesc cu un pic de emotie si nerabdare cutia care tocmai a sosit din Anglia. Un nou proiect se intrezareste si asta imi da elan sa-l concep cat mai frumos si practic. Dar mai ales, trebuie sa fie perfect pentru S., pentru ca ceea ce urmeaza sa imbin in culori si forme va deveni o minunata si duioasa amintire a primelor clipe. Acele clipe de viata, de neuitat, cand devii mama! Si parca ai vrea ca timpul sa se opreasca si sa tii mereu la piept puiul mic cu gangureli, plansete, miros de lapte, cu zambete fara dintisori, cu bucurii si puritate.
Asa ca m-am pus pe treaba si am sortat hainutele S-ei din primele ei luni, le-am decupat cat mai simetric, pastrand intacte modelele imprimate pe body-uri, camasute, tricouri, pantalonasi si rochite. Am adunat un numar considerabil de petice, suficient insa pentru ceea ce avea sa devina ”Paturica primelor clipe”.
Fiecare bucatica decupata este o amprenta a timpului petrecut cu S: body-ul preferat pentru iesirea in parc, rochita pe care a purtat-o in vizita la bunici, tricoul care l-a dat gata pe tata, bluzita cu care a mancat primele fructe. Toate decupajele tin stranse laolalta amintiri dragi cu S din primele ei luni cu membrii familiei in care a sosit.
Taieturile din pretioasele hainute le-am cusut unele de altele alcatuind cadrul principal de lucru si totodata partea cea mai importanta a proiectului. De acest cadru am prins un decupaj in aceeasi marime dintr-o insertie potrivit de groasa din vatelina. Am masurat si croit un cadru secundar din bumbac moale care a reprezentat dosul acestei paturici. Cele trei straturi de material au fost cusute impreuna si cosmetizate pe margina deun bie in nuanta dominanta. In final, pentru o mai bna fixare a celor trei materiale, am cusut din loc in loc puncte in X.
Paturica a fost gata de impachetat si de trimis in casuta ei, la micuta S si familia ei minunata. Si, probabil, peste ani, cand S va fi mare, sanatoasa si frumoasa, parintii ii vor inmana aceasa „capsula textila” a timpului care sa-i cuibareasca in inima emotii si iubire.
I am seized with emotion looking at the package which has just arrived from England. In fact, I can hardly wait to open this box: a new project is about to be realized in my small studio. This gives me enough energy to think about its creation in the most beautiful and practical way. But most of it, this has to be perfect for S, so I have to combine the colours and shapes to accomplish this item which will become a wonderful and sweet souvenir of the first moments. Those first unforgettable moments of life when you become a mother. And you would like time to be stopped and hold your baby close to you with all those babbles, cryings, smell of milk, with those teethless smiles which makes your heart melt, with joy and purity.
So, I got down to work and started sorting S’first months baby clothes, I cut them as symmetric as I could to keep the entire design printed on bodies, shirts, tops, pents and dresses. I got a fair number of patches, enough for what it was to become the ”Blanket of the first moments”.
Every piece cut from those clothes represents a time stamp of the moments spent with S: the favourite bodysuit for a walk in the park, the dress worn when visiting the grandparents, the top that melted her daddy ’s heart, the onesies in which she served her pureed fruits. Every scrap keep together sweet memories of S in her very first months with her family members who welcomed her with endless love.
I sewed the cuttings of the precious little clothes, one by one, creating the main and the most important frame of the project. I cut the batting insertion to fit the main structure and I did the same with a piece of soft cotton fabric to create a second framework and a backside of the blanket. I stitched the three parts together, sewed them and I applied a border to emphasize the patches and create a nice contrast. For a strong holding I fastened some X stiches on the front side.
The blanket was ready to be packed and sent to its house, to little S and her wonderful family.
And may be, through the years, when S will be a beautiful and healthy young lady, her parents will hand in this ”textile time capsule” to huddle love and emotion in her heart.
The blanket of the first moments / Paturica primelor clipe |
"The blanket of the first moments / Paturica primelor clipe" |
"The blanket of the first moments / Paturica primelor clipe" |
"The blanket of the first moments / Paturica primelor clipe" |
"The blanket of the first moments / Paturica primelor clipe"
"The blanket of the first moments / Paturica primelor clipe" |