This pinafore dress was a perfect gift for a sweet almost 4 years old girl. The floral print on this soft and thin corduroy fabric with bright details and the combination of blue, orange and green make a perfect outfit for a summer stroll in the park. This pinafore dress is also a practical wardrobe item because it can be matched with a long sleeve shirt for cooler days of late spring or early fall. For the small details, I mention that it is lined with lightweight cotton fabric and it has a zipper back closure for an easy handling.
Acest sarafan a fost o adevarata incantare pentru o fetita dragalasa de aproape 4 ani. Materialul de o foarte buna calitate este evidentiat de un print floral, cu detalii jucause si o combinatie perfecta intre albastru electric, portocaliu si verde. Toate aceste detalii si micul accesoriu tip fundita fac din acest sarafan un articol de imbracaminte perfect pentru o plimbare de vara in parc. Sarafanul, dintr-o catifea fina raiata, este practic si pentru ca poate fi combinat cu o bluzita cu maneci lungi atunci cand este folosit in zilele racoroase de primavara tarzie sau de toamna timpurie. Ca ultim detaliu, mentionez ca acest sarafan din catifea raiata a fost captusit cu tesatura subtire din bumbac si inchis la spate cu fermoar pentru a fi manevrat usor.
![view a larger version of The floral pinafore dress / Sarafan cu imprimeu floral The floral pinafore dress / Sarafan cu imprimeu floral]( |
The floral pinafore dress / Sarafan cu imprimeu floral |
![view a larger version of The floral pinafore dress / Sarafan cu imprimeu floral The floral pinafore dress / Sarafan cu imprimeu floral]( |
The floral pinafore dress / Sarafan cu imprimeu floral |
![view a larger version of The floral pinafore dress / Sarafan cu imprimeu floral The floral pinafore dress / Sarafan cu imprimeu floral]( |
The floral pinafore dress / Sarafan cu imprimeu floral |
![view a larger version of The floral pinafore dress / Sarafan cu imprimeu floral The floral pinafore dress / Sarafan cu imprimeu floral]( |
The floral pinafore dress / Sarafan cu imprimeu floral |
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