Tuesday, May 9, 2017

"Purple Pink Polka Dots" Summer Hat & Romper / Palarie de vara si Salopeta "Purple Pink Polka Dots"

My adorable little niece needs a hat for this summer. Therefore I sewed this  unique hat to match a romper I made last year when she was 2. Surprisingly, she still wears the romper. As usual, I used a high quality light cotton.
Nepotica mea scumpa are nevoie de o palariuta de soare pentru vara aceasta. De aceea, am cusut o palarie care sa se asorteze cu salopeta pe care i-am facut-o anul trecut, cand avea 2 ani. In mod surprinzator, inca o mai poarta. Ca de obicei, am utilizat un bumbac lejer de calitate inalta.
"Purple Pink Polka Dots" Summer Hat / Palarie de vara "Purple Pink Polka Dots"
"Purple Pink Polka Dots" Summer Hat / Palarie de vara "Purple Pink Polka Dots"
"Purple Pink Polka Dots" summer romper
"Purple Pink Polka Dots" summer romper

Friday, May 5, 2017

"Scooter Time" summer wear for boys / Set hainute de vara "Scooter Time"

A perfect present for a little boy who likes scooters and motorcycles. Inside the storage bag, you will find a pair of shorts and a summer hat made of high quality cotton.  I sewed a little scooter/Vespa charm on the hat and the shorts have a flat front. This one-of-a-kind set is suitable for a toddler between 18 and 24 months. 
Un cadou perfect pentru un băiețel caruia ii plac scuterele si motocicletele. În interiorul saculetului veți găsi o pereche de pantaloni scurți și o pălărie de vară din bumbac de înaltă calitate. Am cusut un charm scuter/Vespa pe pălărie pentru un aer strengaresc. Acest set unicat este potrivit pentru un copil între 18-24 luni.
"Scooter time" summer wear for boys
"Scooter Time" summer wear for boys / Set hainute de vara "Scooter Time"

"Scooter time" summer wear for boys
"Scooter Time" summer wear for boys / Set hainute de vara "Scooter Time"

"Scooter time" summer wear for boys
"Scooter Time" summer wear for boys / Set hainute de vara "Scooter Time"

"Scooter Time summer wear for boys"
"Scooter Time" summer wear for boys / Set hainute de vara "Scooter Time"
"Scooter Time" summer wear for boys / Set hainute de vara "Scooter Time"

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

"Birds and butterflies" summer wear for kids / "Pasari si fluturasi" set de hainute de vara

I made this pink "Giant Candy" for Martha, a lovely little girl from Greece. The one of a kind bag, romper and summer hat are custom-made. I sewed them with care and passion, using high quality light cotton fabrics. Dear summer, here we are :)!

Am realizat aceasta "Bomboana Uriasa" roz pentru Martha, o fetita minunata din Grecia. Atat saculetul, cat si palaria si salopeta sunt unicate si personalizate, cusute cu mult drag, utilizand bumbacuri fine de calitate superioara. Suntem pregatiti pentru vara!!!
"Birds and butterflies" summer wear for kids
"Birds and butterflies" summer wear for kids

"Birds and butterflies" summer wear for kids
"Birds and butterflies" summer wear for kids
"Birds and butterflies" summer wear for kids
"Birds and butterflies" summer wear for kids

"Birds and butterflies" summer wear for kids
"Birds and butterflies" summer wear for kids

"Birds and butterflies" summer wear for kids
"Birds and butterflies" summer wear for kids

"Birds and butterflies" summer wear for kids
"Birds and butterflies" summer wear for kids

"Birds and butterflies" summer wear for kids
"Birds and butterflies" summer wear for kids