Everything is upside down around me. I am about to leave within three days and I haven't put anything together yet, not even a single piece in the suitcase which stays bored and wide open in the middle of the room, waiting to accomplish its mission.
What should I start with? Those towels? Wait! Isn't it better to start with shoes and sandals? Or may be with the clothes? What to do with those bottles of shampoo, hand cream, face cream and all those so-called important nothings? Ah! Do not forget about the pills for migraines and other last minute indispositions. I am out of patience and I am going to throw them all together but I know it's me who will be mad in the end. It's happening all the time. Without some order in the luggage, the mess would turn into a horror time eater and my holiday would be a nightmare.
The passport? Where did I put the vaccination notice? I think the check-in paper should be on my desk. That's it! I am going to make some plans, to put everything in order!
And suddenly my eyes fell on a small vanity bag which stays quietly on the sofa. It seems it asks the suitcase to take him with her. It is so nice and chic that I cannot stop myself make them fellow travellers. And this vanity bag fits perfectly! With my destination, of course! It seems a glint of the fantastic Amazonian forest. And for a while, some vivid images from those adventure movies are coming to my mind, with explorers wandering through the mazy vegetation of the jungle.
Come on, it seems I am going crazy! However, this exotic paradise-like bag would help me a lot to keep safe my travel small goods.
I am so happy! I've just made the first step in organizing my suitcase which seems much more animated since this sweet and practical vanity bag will be a great travel partner in which I'll keep my lipstick, my pills for headaches and my mobile phone.
In jur totul e haos. In trei zile e plecarea si nu am reusit sa pun in ordine nimic si nici sa-mi asez lucrurile in valiza care sta cascata in mijlocul camerei, asteptand plictisita sa-si indeplineasca misiunea.
Cu ce sa incep? Cu prosoapele? Stai! Nu mai bine pun pantofii si sandalele? Sau poate hainele? Dar cum fac cu sapunul, cremele si toate nimicurile alea asa-zis folositoare? Ah! Pastilele pentru migrena si alte indispozitii de moment! Nu mai am rabdare si imi vine sa le arunc de-a valma dar stiu ca tot eu ma voi enerva. Ca asa patesc mereu. Fara disciplina in valize, nici vacanta nu mai e la fel.
Pasaportul? Pe unde o fi si avizul ala cu vaccinarile? Parca trebuia si foaia cu check-in-ul sa fie pe birou. Gata! Ma apuc sa le randuiesc acum!
Si ochii imi cad deodata pe un portfard micut care sta cuminte aruncat pe un colt de canapea. Parca s-ar ruga de valiza sa-l ia si pe el. E asa dragut si chic ca nu ma lasa inima sa nu-l fac coleg cu doamna valiza. Si se potriveste de minune! Cu destinatia, bineinteles! Parca-ar fi un decupaj din fantastica padure amazoniana. Mi se perinda prin fata ochilor tot felul de imagini din filmele cu aventurieri, in care curajosi exploratori bat la pas jungla incalcita de felurite vegetatii.
Ei hai, ca am luat-o razna! Dar totusi portfardul asta cu iz de paradis exotic m-ar ajuta enorm sa-mi tin maruntisurile din calatorie.
Ah, ce fericita sunt! Am facut primul pas in organizarea valizei care pare si ea mai vioaie de cand va avea partener un portfard practic si dragut in care imi voi tine rujul, bricheta, blisterul cu pastile pentru durerile de cap si uite ca a incaput si telefonul.
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"Amazonian love" clutch / Poseta "Amazonian love" |
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"Amazonian love" clutch / Poseta "Amazonian love" |
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"Amazonian love" clutch / Poseta "Amazonian love" |