Monday, March 13, 2017

"Polka dots and swans" summer wear for kids / Set hainute de vara " Buline si lebede"

The "Giant Candy". That's the name of a personalised gift for the daughter of a good friend. Once opened, you'll be intrigued by a delicate bag with a hand painted swan and the name of your child on it. The handmade bag contains a summer hat and a romper. Just perfect for the hot summer days. The light cotton fabric is high quality and every item is unique and handmade.
"Bomboana uriasa" e numele dat cadoului personalizat pentru fiica unei prietene foarte bune. Ambalajul original in forma de bomboana, contine un saculet lucrat manual, pe care este pictata o lebada si numele copilului. Odata saculetul deschis, descoperim o palarie de vara si o salopeta, ambele lucrate manual si unicat. Materialul este un bumbac fin, de calitate superioara si e perfect pentru zilele calduroase de vara.
Giant Candy
"Polka dots and swans" summer wear for kids - The Giant Candy 

 "Polka dots and swans" summer wear for kids
"Polka dots and swans" summer wear for kids - The Giant Candy 

 "Polka dots and swans" summer wear for kids
"Polka dots and swans" summer wear for kids - The Giant Candy 

"Polka dots and swans" summer wear for kids
"Polka dots and swans" summer wear for kids - The Giant Candy 

 "Polka dots and swans" summer wear for kids
"Polka dots and swans" summer wear for kids - The Giant Candy 

 "Polka dots and swans" summer wear for kids
"Polka dots and swans" summer wear for kids - The Giant Candy 

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