This was a wonderful project. As the wedding took place in September and we were in May when we were talking about preparing some favours, we thought about offering a delicious souvenir to our guests. We made(homemade-roses and walnut from our bio garden) jam of fresh rose petals and of young walnuts. Pink and roses for the ladies and green and walnuts for gentlemen! We added a pompom and a lady bug for luck and ta-da!!! A very appreciated favour!!!
Un proiect indraznet, dar realizabil! Inca din luna mai, ne-am gandit sa pregatim niste marturii originale pentru nunta ce a avut loc in septembrie. Am pregatit o dulceata minunata din petale proaspete de trandafiri pentru doamne si din nuci verzi pentru domni. Atat trandafirii, cat si nucile au un loc special in gradina noastra bio. Pe langa dulceata, am adaugat cate un pompom lucrat manual si o buburuza pentru noroc. Rezultatul mult asteptat nu a intarziat sa apara: marturiile au fost foarte apreciate de catre invitati.
wedding favours |
wedding favours |
wedding favours / marturii de nunta |